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  • croesoannie

Stand on Every Promise


Scriptures: Psalm 23:4 Philippians 4:6-7 Jeremiah 29:11 Matthew 11:28-30 John 15:5 John 3:16 Ephesians 6:10-18

How seriously do you regard a promise, either one that you have made or one that has been made towards you? If we are honest, I would think that most people would say it depends upon who is making the promise. If we are people of integrity, people who regard their word as being their bond, then we surely must see a promise as an absolute assurance that whatever is being declared will be accomplished. Yet, sometimes, we all fall short and I wonder if, because we do, we place our understanding of God’s dealings with His people on the basis of our human endeavours.

God’s word is packed full of His promises; promises that we are never alone, that God knows the plans He has for us, that there is no need for us to be anxious. So why do I walk around in my daily life seemingly oblivious to many of them? The only answer there can be is that the god of this world is mendaciously adept at blinding my eyes, at diverting my focus onto what is temporary, ever shifting and, ultimately, soul destroying. If he can keep me bound up in what is happening all around me then he can feel as if he has won and that God’s promises to us all are null and void. But he has not won, he is a liar, a thief and a murderer.

At Calvary, Jesus willingly laid down His life and forever won the victory over the devil and his angels. Jesus was and is our Victory and, by being Who He is, has given us the ultimate weapon we need in this battle of mind games the enemy plays with us. Jesus said “It is finished” and He meant it. Jesus has paid the price for our sin debt in full. As a consequence of this, all of the promises that God has made regarding His children apply to us. We have available to us the absolute assurance that God will honour His promises.

The word “overcome” is a powerful word, both in a positive and negative way. It can be used to describe someone who is powerfully affected by circumstances, we say they are overcome by their emotions. We see the physical evidence before us. One of the most powerful promises Jesus made uses this word. We are told we will face trouble, difficulties, stress in this world, BUT, Jesus also tells us to cheer up because He has overcome the world. He has faced the same trials and tribulations and has come through victorious, this is indeed such a powerful promise to us. (John16:33)

Living in a world where very little seems to make much sense to our minds is exhausting. Where we are surrounded by heartbreaking distress, loneliness, fear, a whole spectrum of emotional turmoil and physical sickness, has the potential to bring us to despair. Yet, the promises of God are the complete, perfect and abiding antidote to that. Christ in us, our Hope of Glory. What a promise is that!

I don’t see myself as an evangelist in the accepted interpretation, but as a believer in and follower of Christ, I have to take seriously His instruction to reach out to those who don’t know Him. By living a life that causes people to question the way I react to circumstances, to trials, a door opens to bringing them the Hope of a life in Christ for all eternity. A life lived here on earth that displays an assurance that God honours His promises, when all else is falling apart, means we can all reach out to someone in the love and humility of Christ.

Prayer: Father God, thank You that Your Word is steadfast, faithful and true. Your promises bring assurance and hope, not just for us but for the whole world. Amen.

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