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  • croesoannie

Words that Bless



Psalm 45

Psalm 19

Romans 12:1-2

“My tongue is the pen of a ready writer” (Psalm 45:1)

Someone once said, “the tongue has no bones yet is strong enough to break a heart”. Most of us will know how hurtful a harsh word toward us can be, yet do we consider how our words might affect others?

As I prepared for this devotional, I was reminded of the many sermons I’ve heard that admonish us regarding the way we use our tongue, all backed by numerous bible verses. However, I believe the Lord is guiding me to focus our eyes on the verses that teach us how to use our words wisely. He reminded me that when the Light comes in the darkness quickly disappears. When we make Jesus the Master of our thoughts, then gossip and cruel words will disappear from our mouths. My mother taught me to say nothing if I couldn’t say something good about a person. Jesus teaches me to take a good look at myself before speaking ill of others, and His Word challenges me:

(Romans 12:2) “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is good, acceptable and the perfect will of God.”

Gaining control over our mind gives us the power to control our tongue. In His sermon on the mount (Matthew 5), Jesus teaches us why we need to keep control of over our mind.

During this time of lockdown, hubby and I have missed fellowship with friends and family. We have prayed for His comfort for those who live alone. However, we have also received blessings along the way as we continued to place our trust in Him. A few weeks ago whilst looking through my facebook rolling news, I found myself looking into the face of a man who’s attire suggested he was a Vicar but what really caught my attention was the kindness radiating from his tired eyes. He was waiting for people to tune in before he began his devotional. His voice was gentle and kindness flowed through his words. He prayed with such sincerity before drawing his devotional to a close and the Presence of God fell powerfully upon me. I was reminded of James 5:16 “… The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”.

Afterwards I sent a message to encourage this dear brother because I was concerned by the weariness in his eyes. Even as I pressed ‘send’ I wondered if I had acted too hastily with someone I didn’t know. However, his reply came swiftly. That morning, as he prepared for his lunchtime broadcast he wondered how much longer he could continue and the word God had given me to send him was exactly what he needed to hear. He told me that sixty days earlier, when it became obvious that lockdown was here for a long season, he followed God’s calling to put on a daily reflection and prayers to encourage the flock under his care. He writes a full script each day so that he can post a copy through the letterbox of his elderly congregation who have no access to the internet. God must be given all the glory because only He had the power to bring the Vicar onto my facebook ‘radar’ that day and then give me the words that would inspire him to continue.

God’s word tells us that the tongue has incredible power. We can use it to bring blessings and life, or curses and death. There is a saying, “Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me.” This is simply not true. Used unwisely our words can leave us with great regret and cause great harm to one we spoke against. However, words can also help us to be the answer to a weary soul’s prayer when we use them to bless and encourage.

Prayer: Dear Lord, with the Psalmist I pray, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14) Amen.

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