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Return of the Son of Man



John 2. Mark 16:16. Genesis 24:1-4 & 12. Luke 22: 9-18

The first recorded event that Jesus and His disciples attended was in Cana of Galilee, the focus being a wedding with the supply of fine wine. When the wine ran out, Jesus did not say it was not His job to produce fine wine, He simply said, His hour had not yet come to present wine to the disciples.

The first step in the marriage process is the mutual commitment (Shiddukhin). These were preliminary arrangements prior to the legal betrothal. It was common in ancient Israel for the father of the bridegroom to select the bride for his son, as Abraham did for his son Isaac.

Next comes the betrothal, the bride and bridegroom are separately immersed in water, symbolic of spiritual cleansing. The couple then enter into a public ceremony under the marriage canopy (Huppah), signifying their entry into the year long betrothal period. This symbolised a new household being planned, here the groom would pay the bridal price (Mohar) of gold or silver. Finally, they would drink wine from the cup to seal their agreement.

In Genesis we read that Abraham told his servant that the person carrying the pitcher of water would be a sign that he was in the right place, where the bridal price would be paid, and Rebekah would lead the servant to Laban, the good man of the house.

For His final meal with the disciples, Jesus sends Peter and John to meet a man bearing a pitcher of water and to follow him to the house. This would be symbolic of the marriage canopy (Huppah) In Luke22: 14 Jesus says the hour had come, the time had arrived, the water is fine wine, the fermentation process is complete, the contract is sealed with believers.

Jesus would tell them He was going to die or that He was about to pay the bride price (Mohar), signifying the entry into the betrothal period.

Jesus gives them the cup, which they all share, and tells them He will not drink of the wine again until the Kingdom of God shall come, so the very first act of His return is to renew the covenant and the marriage contract with the Bride by drinking of the cup.

Finally is the marriage (Nissuin). It is the father of the groom who gives the final approval for the groom to return and collect His bride, with much noise, fanfare and romance. The bride and groom would again enter the marriage canopy, again share a cup of wine to seal their covenant vows and finally confirm their marriage contract (Ketubah).

The ceremony was followed by a wedding supper with food, wine, music and dance. The bride and the groom finally consummate their marriage and live together as husband and wife.

Messiah, as the Bridegroom, has gone to prepare a place for us, we do not know the day of His return, but we have been given a clue from the signs of the times. The day of the return of the Messiah for His Bride is soon approaching.

Believers in Jesus should be living consecrated lives, keeping themselves pure and holy in preparation for the Wedding Feast of the Lamb. He will come with the blast of the shofar or the trumpet to bring His Bride home

There is nothing secret about the return of Jesus, to be secret is not consistent with a Jewish Wedding. He has waited over 2000 years to fulfil the promises of the Father and everybody is going to know about it. He gathers His Bride together under the marriage canopy where she will be identified, but how? Because she will have a wedding garment and be pure and spotless before her Bridegroom, having oil in her vessel she has made herself ready. Then they will enter into the marriage contract for all eternity, and finally celebrate the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

Prayer: Let us follow the rejoicing Bridegroom, holding firm to Kingdom teachings while the Bridegroom is still with us by his Spirit and, as the 5 wise virgins, trim our lamps and have oil in our vessel, that when He returns, we will be ready. In the meantime, Watch! In Jesus Name, Amen.

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