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Our Eternal Hope


Scriptures: 1 Peter 1:3 Ephesians 2: 8-10 John 3:16 Psalm 39:7 John 11:25-26 Romans 6:23 1 John 5: 13-14 Psalm 145:1

In John 3:16 we read for “God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but will have eternal life”. What an amazing promise there is in this scripture. As Christians we have a future to look forward to, one of extended hope and glory with God forever more. John 3:16 and other scriptures in the Bible give us the assurance of eternal life (life after death). Billy Graham said for the believer there is hope beyond the grave because Jesus Christ has opened the door to heaven through his death and resurrection. In 1 Peter 1:9 we read “The reward for trusting him will be the salvation of our souls”.

We live with great expectation and, as Christians, God gives us the hope of another life when we die. A life that will be so different from what we now experience. A life much better than what we can ever have in this world; all praise and glory to God the Father of our lord Jesus Christ. Psalm 145:1 says “I will exalt you my God the king, I will praise your name forever and ever’. What a day of rejoicing it will be when we get to heaven.

Our faith is based on the conviction and confidence that our Saviour conquered death and is alive today. In Ephesians 2:8 we read “for it is by God’s grace that you have been saved through faith”. Our redeemer lives no matter what we face in life. Our hope and future are secure. What can we do to receive this eternal hope? Believe that Jesus is our Lord and Saviour, John 3:15 whoever believes in him will have eternal life. By believing that Jesus is our Lord and Saviour, we receive this wonderful gift of eternal life. Eternal life comes as a result of God’s grace and through our faith in him. Amen.


As Christians, Father You have given us the promise of eternal life. We thank You for this promise and Lord we pray that we can live life to the fullest, knowing that out future is secure in Your Hands. Lord, we thank You for this wonderful gift given to us of eternal life.

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