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  • croesoannie

Not in what I Own



Ephesians 1, 3, 4 Psalm 139 Matthew 10:29-31

Since I began thinking about this topic, I have not been able to stop singing “My worth is not in what I own”. I have also realised just how fragile my perception of my own worth is, and how much baggage I am still carrying. It has been quite a wake up call for me.

I remember as a child always being the one on the fringes. I was painfully shy, not speaking unless I was first spoken to, and then living in dread that I would say something that would cause the all too familiar giggles and sneers in those who heard. I couldn’t catch a ball, or aim one effectively, it turned out that I was short sighted, but by that time I had learned to steer well clear of any form of sport. I felt worthless and an embarrassing failure.

How can this still affect me so intensely more than 60 years later? The answer is both simple and just a little scary. Because I am reminded, so often and so skilfully, to keep looking in the wrong direction. Just like you, I have an enemy who has a long memory and who is an inveterate thief and a liar.

Can you hear the heart of Christ as He told those gathered around Him how much they were worth to God? There must be billions of sparrows alive on this earth right now, but not one of them falls to the ground without our Father God knowing about it. Take that in, let those precious words fall into your soul and take root there. The intensity of the love of God pours out of those words, healing, cleansing and comforting us.

My worth is not in my past, my abilities, my possessions. My worth is in the Love that knitted and formed me in my mother’s womb, the Love that set angels to guard me every night as I slept, and every day as I blundered through life. The Love that was nailed to a cross at Calvary, that laid down His Life for me, that I might live in Him and He in me. The Love that has pursued me every day of my life, wherever I have gone, whatever I have done to find some value in myself. My worth is in this Love.

Have you ever thought about a ransom? We hear about people being held to ransom, and, these days, about hackers breaking into computer systems and demanding a ransom to unlock them. Why do they do this? Because the person, or data etc, is of value to someone. So much value that they are prepared to pay whatever price is demanded to gain freedom for the ransomed.

God paid our ransom, the highest price ever paid, so that we might know without a shadow of doubt that we are of the highest value to Him. We are worth so much to God that He gave the life of His Son to pay for us. When we are still sinners, God paid the price for us because our worth to Him is immeasurable.

Yes, I am so often reminded of my unworthiness, of my failures, but I praise and rejoice in God my Saviour that I truly am worth what He paid for me.

God sees me and you as precious treasure, and invites us by the power of Holy Spirit to join Him in seeing ourselves that way also. And His is the real picture, His is the true vision.

PRAYER: Open the eyes of our hearts dear Father God, to see ourselves as You see us, precious, ransomed, treasured sons and daughters, safe in Your Kingdom. Jewels, glowing and polished by You, reflecting Your Glory in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Saviour. Amen

Two wonders here that I confess My worth and my unworthiness My value fixed, my ransom paid At the cross

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