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  • croesoannie

Blessed are You


Scriptures: Numbers 6:24-26 Isaiah 26:3 Philippians 4:19 Ephesians: 1:3 I Thessalonians: 5:17 Jeremiah: 29:11 Jeremiah: 17:7-8 Ephesians: 2:8 Proverbs: 16:3 Psalm: 115:12-13 Psalm: 34:8 Matthew: 5:8

In 1995 I was working as a Registered Nurse, for a hospice in New Zealand. One day I was having a particularly difficult day and I looked out of the window of the hospice and studied the clouds. I vividly remember thinking that day “Lord I am so blessed to be alive”. Blessed to have my faith, my good health, to have my husband, my family, my job, blessed to be able to worship God freely. Blessed to be able to just breathe. Thankful for so many blessings in my life.

Many of us are really blessed, sometimes without even realising it. There is a song that goes “Count your blessings name them one” and “count your blessings and see what the Lord has done”. What a powerful song this is, reminding us of the value and joy in counting our blessings and realising what the Lord has done for us.

What has God done for you, pause and maybe take time to think? How blessed are you? This is something to think about and be grateful for. In Philippians: 4:19 we read God will supply our every need, according to His riches and glory. WE do not need to worry about anything. If we focus on God, God will keep us in perfect peace. (Isaiah 26:3). In the book of Jeremiah 17:7-8, the prophet talks about how blessed is the man who trusts in God.

The dictionary meaning of blessed is highly favoured, happiness and good fortune. It is a favour or gift from God. Blessings are a gift from God and can be shared with others and there are many ways to bless others. A text scripture, a smile, a listening ear, spending time with someone, making a meal, writing a letter, praying with someone. Wherever and however God wants the blessing to go.

Blessed are you, to be able to bless others. Rejoice and be glad. We read in Matthew 5:8 “blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.” Through honouring God, God will bless those honour him.

Prayer: Lord please enable us to remember our blessings that You have given us and to always be thankful for all these precious blessings.

May the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make His Face to shine upon you; may the Lord be gracious unto you and give you His Peace. AMEN

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